Instagram is one of social media's favorite platform in sharing a day in a life of a human being. thanks to the blackerry developers finally there's an instagram app for blackberry os 6 to os 7.1.. Namun seiring perkembangannya, kini aplikasi instagram untuk blackberry juga telah tersedia di blackberry app world. walaupun hanya untuk versi blackberry 10, bukan blackberry dengan os 5,6,7 maupun os 10, seperti blackberry gemini / curve 8520, blackberry davis 9220, armstrong 9320, onyx 1 dan 2 bold 9700, dakota a.k.a bold 9900, maupun toch.. With the official release of os 10.2.1 hitting devices around the globe, we now have the option to install android applications right on the device — including's obviously not an official blackberry version, but it still works like a champ on the new os..
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