Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Download Linux Mint 17 Qiana Cinnamon

Our latest release is linux mint 19, codename "tara". read the documentation. read the release notes. choose your favorite edition below. if you're not sure which one is right for you, "cinnamon 64-bit edition" is the most popular. download links. Linux mint 17 qiana is the latest version of linux mint that based on ubuntu 14.04 lts, it was released and announced by linux mint developer a few days ago.linux mint 17 is a long-term support release which will be supported until 2019. in addition, the linux mint developers plan to use this package base until 2016.. Linux mint 17 has been released and is named qiana. mint is one of the best linux distros that targets desktop users with focus on usability and simplicity. it comes in various flavors with different desktop environments like mate and cinnamon and different base distros like ubuntu or debian..

Linux Mint 17 Qiana Cinnamon : Video Review and Screenshot ...

Linux mint 17 qiana cinnamon : video review and screenshot

Linux mint team released linux mint 17 (qiana) on may 31st 2014 and the new project code name is qiana with cinnamon 2.2.16. in this article i’m going to install linux mint 17 (qiana) cinnamon desktop installation with detailed steps and screen shots.. 20 hal yang harus dilakukan setelah menginstal linux mint 17 cinnamon qiana linux mint 17 cinnamon qiana linux mint 17 telah dirilis dan diberi nama qiana. mint adalah salah satu yang terbaik linux distro yang menargetkan pengguna desktop dengan fokus pada kegunaan dan kesederhanaan.. The long awaited moment of linux mint 17 ‘qiana‘ cinnamon and mate final releases has come, linux mint developers proudly announced on saturday, may 31st, 2014 on their official linux mint webpage the newly linux mint releases with long term support until 2019..

download linux mint 17 qiana cinnamon

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